Friday, December 29, 2006

Reddit And Netscape Better Than Digg?

So I am sure you heard about how I made it big on, so I decided to search out sites that were similar to digg. The two sites that I see that have the most promise are reddit and netscape, yes I said netscape. I was surprise to find out the old netscape is rising from the dead and is looking quite a bit like digg. In fact the only real difference I see between the two of them is that netscape has a lot less users. Reddit on the other hand is a very primitive site, but still has the potential to draw traffic to your site. In Reddit you simply submit the url of the page and nothing else, not even a description. Since there is no description at all your headline becomes very very important. So got out into the brave new world and submit your stories/article to digg, reddit, and netscape and watch the traffic pour in... By the way, I had even more success with digg when I submitted this story, watch out though it appears to be a very dangerous topic, but it did get over 2000 diggs...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Using To Generate Traffic

So I finally hit it big on, I have been posting there for a while and I would get a few diggs, but nothing like this. First let me give you a little background of what digg is. Basically, is a site where users can submit their articles/videos about anything from politics to comedy. Once it is submitted users can "digg" them or bury them if they so choose. The site keeps track of all the diggs that you get on your article/video. The more diggs you have the more chance you have of making it on the main "popular stories" part of digg. You see when you first submit the story it goes into a "upcoming stories" section of digg, then once you receive many diggs they upgrade you to the "popular stories" part of digg. Once you make it there you can sit back and watch the traffic jump, it was really amazing.

When my story made it I had over 12,000 hits in one day alone, which is pretty impressive for sites like mine that are still in their infancy and don't have any real page rank. You can see all of my stories that I submitted to digg here and you can see the story that gave me the 12,000 hits here.

The beauty of digg is that the stories are chosen by the viewers and not some editor so everyone has a chance of making it big. So what are you waiting for go
sign up and starting digging, it is a great way to promote your site. Who knows maybe this article will be the next to make it big... hmmm diggers digging a site about digg, I guess it makes sense.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Blog Soldiers

It really seems like there are quite a few sites traffic exchanges out there like blog explosion, blogmad, and blogazoo. The latest one that I have come across is Blog Soldiers. It works like the others as you can surf other blogs in their directory to gain credits. So far blog soldiers offers me three blogs that I can submit into their directory. It is becoming increasingly difficult to choose which blogs to submit. (I think I have about 11 now!) You can also pay them for extra credits and to "upgrade" your membership. As with the other traffic exchanges, you can assign the amount of traffic that you would like to go to each site. For example 50% to my Natures Wallpaper site, 30% to celebrating music and 20% to the world's funniest videos. While these sites are rather tedious to maintain your credits, they do provide results! Has anyone else out there used blog soldiers? Let me know what you think.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Big Thanks!

This post is going to be dedicated to all those people out there that have linked to any of my sites.

Dave operates the following blogs, check them out they have a lot of great pictures and useful info you can access his other blogs from the blogger profile...

Isa operates the following blogs, check out her unique writing style available in English

or Spanish

Tanya's blogs include spectacular sunset photos submitted from people all around the world (including me) She is working on producing a silent film so if you have any sunset photos you would like to contribute....

Impman has linked to my overheating site a few times check his site out and leave him a comment if you so choose...

Paul has a few different blogs out there you can check them out at the following address, you won't be disappointed....

Thanks to everyone who has promoted or linked to my blogs out there I do appreciate it. I am sure I have missed a few, just let me know and I will feature your blog in future articles.

Monday, October 16, 2006


I have found another very similar site as blogazoo called

It works like blogexplosion and blogazoo as far as you earn credits by surfing other blogs, which in turn you can use to generate traffic to your site. You can create advertising banners and text link that you can "buy" with these credits that you earn by surfing in their directory. Blogmad lets you have only two different blogs though. Has anyone else seen results from or

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Generate Traffic From Surfing Blogs

For all of you out there that are addicted to the next blog button, I have found just the site for you. It is, it works a lot like as in you can receive "credits" that you can apply to your blogs to drive traffic to your site. You generate these credits by simply surfing blogs in their directory. They make you wait about 20 seconds and then you click on a number to prove you are not a "bot" and it takes you to the next blog. I have already racked up a few credits just by surfing for about a half hour. Once you receive these credits you can apply them to any of the blogs that you have in your profile. Check it out, and let me know what you think. If anything, it's another listing that you can add your blogs to.

Check out our Google Group

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Importance of E-mail Signatures

Don't forget to put your blog or website address in your e-mail signature. Pretty much all of the e-mail programs out there have the option for this "signature" at the bottom of all the e-mails that you send out. It works just like a footer as you do not have to type it every time it is stored by your e-mail provider. That way every time you send an e-mail out to someone it will contain the link to your site that they can click on directly inside the e-mail. Very useful, I have seen the results for myself in Google Analytics.

You can do the same thing in Google Groups only you have to type in your URL every message. It just gives your audience another easy way to reach your site.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Using Link Exchanges

Link Exchanges can be a very useful way to promoting your site and improve your page ranking. I have yet to find a link exchange program that really works. I don't really click on any of the link exchanges as most of them are just spam. I have found that the best way is to join places like Google Groups and Blog-Explosion and simply ask people if they would like to exchange links.

Also you need to think about outbound links to improve your page ranking. Simply download the google toolbar which has a built in page ranker. Then you can go to sites like eBay or Amazon and you will see that their page rank is very high. These are the types of outbound links that you want if you would like to raise your page rank.

So basically, you want quality outbound and inbound links if possible.

Hey if anyone is interested in a link exchange or knows of any quality link exchanges out there, just let us know. Here is the one that I have designed to exhange pictures for a link.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

In The Beginning

This blog will be dedicated to discovering the numerous way to promote your site. We will discuss link exchanges, groups, e-mail signatures, videos, technorati, blog explosion, comments, and the other ways to drive traffic to your site. Any suggestions would be helpful!