Friday, November 03, 2006

Blog Soldiers

It really seems like there are quite a few sites traffic exchanges out there like blog explosion, blogmad, and blogazoo. The latest one that I have come across is Blog Soldiers. It works like the others as you can surf other blogs in their directory to gain credits. So far blog soldiers offers me three blogs that I can submit into their directory. It is becoming increasingly difficult to choose which blogs to submit. (I think I have about 11 now!) You can also pay them for extra credits and to "upgrade" your membership. As with the other traffic exchanges, you can assign the amount of traffic that you would like to go to each site. For example 50% to my Natures Wallpaper site, 30% to celebrating music and 20% to the world's funniest videos. While these sites are rather tedious to maintain your credits, they do provide results! Has anyone else out there used blog soldiers? Let me know what you think.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I like your Blog, and have linked to it from mine under "Like Minded Blogs"

    Would appreciate a link back if you could.

    Good luck with the early retirement!

  2. hey! thanks for the link! really the vido i'm playing in luna-de-dia. i didnt make it but i liked it :)

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    An interesting blog.

    I wonder though how good the hits are from Blog Soldiers and the like. Sure they up the number of visitors but most are really just 'clicks' as opposed to proper visits.

    Anyway, I have linked to your blog and would be grateful if you would consider a link back. My blog is, sort of, on similar lines.

    Good luck with your blogs,

  4. check out linkreferral

    not quite like blog exchanges but its pretty similar. You get what you put into it

    Theres also other traffic exchanges, I dont know how many you want to join but heres a few.

    theres more, email me if yer interested

  5. Anonymous12:58 AM

    intrested in link exchanges
    comment me in any of my posts

  6. Anonymous11:56 PM

    i have linked ur blog too.

  7. Thanks for the info- I'm just starting up my blog and was wondering how I'm even supposed to get people going.

    By the way:

  8. It works like the others as you can surf other blogs in their directory to gain credits. So far blog soldiers offers me three blogs that I can submit into their directory.
