Don't forget to put your blog or website address in your e-mail signature. Pretty much all of the e-mail programs out there have the option for this "signature" at the bottom of all the e-mails that you send out. It works just like a footer as you do not have to type it every time it is stored by your e-mail provider. That way every time you send an e-mail out to someone it will contain the link to your site that they can click on directly inside the e-mail. Very useful, I have seen the results for myself in Google Analytics.
You can do the same thing in Google Groups only you have to type in your URL every message. It just gives your audience another easy way to reach your site.
Link Exchanges can be a very useful way to promoting your site and improve your page ranking. I have yet to find a link exchange program that really works. I don't really click on any of the link exchanges as most of them are just spam. I have found that the best way is to join places like Google Groups and Blog-Explosion and simply ask people if they would like to exchange links. Also you need to think about outbound links to improve your page ranking. Simply download the google toolbar which has a built in page ranker. Then you can go to sites like eBay or Amazon and you will see that their page rank is very high. These are the types of outbound links that you want if you would like to raise your page rank. So basically, you want quality outbound and inbound links if possible. Hey if anyone is interested in a link exchange or knows of any quality link exchanges out there, just let us know. Here is the one that I have designed to exhange pictures for a link.
This blog will be dedicated to discovering the numerous way to promote your site. We will discuss link exchanges, groups, e-mail signatures, videos, technorati, blog explosion, comments, and the other ways to drive traffic to your site. Any suggestions would be helpful!